Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!


I’m on a bus to go to Asuncion for Agro-Shopping and a meeting in the Peace Corps Office. Agro-Shopping, held in the parking garage of a chuchi mall, is where local farmers and vendors have sold fresh produce, dairy, meat and the like every Tuesday for the past 11 years. I love it. I try to go every week but sometimes can’t quite get my schedule to work around it. Tonight I’m going to stay with my training host family in Guarambare so I can help with a sexual harassment session with the new PC trainees. Although I frequently feel like I just got here—even though it has been 8 months—another group swore in a month ago and these trainees have been here for a few weeks. PC is very much like a high school in that trainees seem so long (even if they’re older than me) and people who have been here for a while are basically seniors.

Things are still great in site. Movie night was a hit—lots of kids came and lots of popcorn was eaten. Have a new youth group that began Sunday. Most are 14 or 15 and they want to start a small business making and selling bread and baked goods in order to make money to work on projects with the comedor kids. It is fabulous. The kids are really interested, motivated, and hard working. I’m curious to watch it progress, since I never know what it’ll look like a month from now. I keep having random visitors at my house, which is great but potentially annoying. If I don’t want visitors I just don’t open my front door or front curtains. It has been working thus far.

Sex ed is still chugging along. With one class yesterday we did some labeling of anatomically correct drawings. I’ve been amazed at the mislabeling. A group of 11th graders taped the Clitoris label next to the arrow pointing at the anus! I couldn’t believe it. Some of the anonymous questions I’ve gotten (from 2 different 11th grade classes): Is it necessary to lose your virginity before you turn 18? What is an orgasm? Where is the G-spot? Are there times when the girl asks to have sex? (Meaning when she initiates, I assume.) Does penis size matter? How do I know if a partner has an STD? Is it bad to have sex with your cousin? How many liters of blood does a girl lose when she has sex for the first time? How do you use a condom? What is masturbation? Also, there have been a number of questions about the best age to start having sex. Anyway, to say the least this has been interesting and I’ve been wondering if a group of 11th graders in the US would have the same questions and misconceptions.

1 comment:

  1. Tell them it's ok to have sex with their cousin.
