Sunday, February 15, 2009

Donde estan mis pantalones?

(I´ll be prewriting a bunch of these to save time and moneyyyy.)
So I realized that there are a bunch of random things that I should explain about my current lifestyle. I´m currently sitting at our kitchen table fo my house after my 2nd shower of the day (I don´t actually understand the Farenheit to Celcius conversion rates somehow but I´d guess its in the upper 90s here). Showering two or three times a day isn´t that bizarre here since Paraguayans are really into cleanliness. I become especially aware of and excited about this fact whenever I´m stuck on a hot bus where everyone is pressed super close together. Often times Paraguayan laborers will take clothes with them to work, shower there afterwards, then change back into traveling clothes to go home. (They are also not shy to tell you if they think it is high time for you to shower....)
I don´t know where to begin with my current life...Let´s start with bathrooms, shall we? My first day at my family´s house I didn´t see a flusher. I proceded to pour a small bucket f water into the toilet to flush. The next morning, when I wasn´t totally exhausted, I looked up and saw it. Imagine a basement. My bathroom doesn´t look like that. But the flusher is a cord near the ceiling that you pull to flush...similar to the string I would imagine pulling to turn on a single light bulb. That being said, I do sometimes need to use the bucket to flush when we´re having a drought.
On days when I need the bucket to flush, I also need that same bucket to bathe. And, I´m thrilled (yes, thrilled) to report that I`m actually mastering this skill. I even opted to bucket bathe instead of shower the other day. It was hot, and the shower is either frigid or hot. When I can use the showerhead, I can hit a switch that somehow (who the hell knows how?) heats the water through a system of seemingly dangerous wires that go into the showerhead. It looks pretty intense....and apparently the occasonal unexpecting PCV gets shocked.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nancy this is Jody at JRDC in Annapolis. Ms. McDonald gave us your info. Looks like you are not in Kansas anymore. Your experiences sound interesting. Be safe. tom and I have bene wondering about you.
